Saturday, November 10, 2007

Do your part to help the hungry

Would you like to help the poor and hungry people of the world?

Yes, you can do that by playing a little word game. By playing this game you're doing charity. This game is sponsored by the website and for each word you get right, they will donate 10 grains of rice through the United Nations to help end world hunger.

It's a very interesting game and you can take one minute or two minutes to play it, or you can spend one or two hours playing it, as you like. And all the while doing a good deed.

The rice will be paid for by the advertisers in the website, such as Fujitsu, Macy's, Toshiba, Time/Life, iTunes, Radisson, American Express and others who so sportingly support this concept.

To play the game click here.

The website first started on Oct. 7, 2007 and so it's about a month since. More than one thousand million grains of rice have been donated by players and will go to the poor and hungry. So please do your part. It's fun. I donated 450 grains and will come back and play the game some more later.

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